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The Clockwork King of Orl tok-2 Page 5

  He'd gestured to the object she'd held. "Such objects might stir greed in some, as happened with those… gentlemen, but in others they stir fear — fear of the unknown, fear of instability, fear that their own lives and existences could as easily be snuffed as were the lives and existences of those who once crafted such things."

  She had stared at him. Merrit Moon had the air of a man who had made his own way on Twilight, much as she had herself, and she instinctively trusted him.

  "You sound as if you have knowledge of the Old Races."

  "Enough to know when to keep that knowledge to myself, for fear of a knife in my back."

  She had glanced up at the men and kept the sphere low, but had not been able to resist stroking it with her thumbs, wondering at its smoothness of manufacture. Smoothness, that was, apart from one intriguing dimple…

  "This thing," she had asked. "What is it?"

  Unexpectedly, Moon had laughed. "Do you know how many times I have asked myself that same question? Not, of course, with what you hold — I know that — but with many a hundred other objects — perhaps a thousand, I have found? And perhaps with one object in each hundred I have actually come up with answers." He'd smiled. "Though not necessarily the right ones."

  "What kind of answers? I mean, what things have you found and what do they do?"

  Moon had leaned in eagerly, almost conspiratorially, and his eyes had twinkled as he spoke. "Narrow cylinders of light that, unlike candles, never dim. A ring that when spun speaks with the voices of beings long gone, in a language long dead. A gauntlet that generates a field of force nothing to do with the threads of any mage, shadow or otherwise."

  She had looked at him in wonder. In all her ventures up to that time, she'd found nothing so exciting. Except, perhaps, what she held then. Whatever it was. "And this one?"

  "That one?" Moon had said, as if it were nothing. "That one's a bomb."

  "Bomb," she'd repeated, thumbs frozen where they were.

  "Icebomb, in actual fact. Quite ingenious but quite common, and I'd advise you not to touch the dimple." He'd sighed heavily. "I touched the dimple…"

  "You did? What happened?"

  "Froze my dog solid. Tried to fetch it when I threw it away."

  She'd looked at him to see if he was joking but there was a definite tear in his eye. "Pits! Hey, wait, I wasn't going — "

  "Don't lie. Yes, you were."

  "Okay, I was." She'd quickly put the sphere down and changed the subject. "So what are you telling me — these objects you found, they harness magic?"

  "Not magic, young lady. Science. Old Race science."

  "They were that advanced?"

  "That — and less, and more. The truth is, they dominated this land for a long time — through three ages — but tales from the Final Age tell of them actually preparing to send ships to the heavens. To explore Kerberos itself."

  "Kerberos," she'd whispered. "But I don't understand. Other than this thing, I've never — "

  "Found such things?" Moon had finished, chortling. "Perhaps that's because you haven't been looking as long as I have. Or perhaps because you haven't been looking in the right places."

  Without a word, he'd slid a map across the table in front of her.

  "What's this?"

  A shrug. "The location of an Old Race city. Only three streets remaining, but interesting nonetheless. I'm giving it to you because I'd like to help you in your pursuits, if I may."

  She'd gawped at the map. "Why? Why would you help me?"

  And he'd smiled. "Because of your very first question to me. 'What is this?' you asked. Not 'What is this worth?' but 'What is this?' because you are interested in its history."

  "That doesn't mean I mightn't still want to sell it."

  "But you won't, will you? Because you now know what it is. You have a great deal to learn before the things you see and find begin to make sense, but you have already learned the first lesson — that Twilight is not ready for its own past. Hide the sphere and keep it safe, because perhaps one day you will need it."

  "Hey, old man — a girl's got to live."

  "And you will. Oh, how you will! The true baubles you find? Sell them, as I have done over the years. Sell them so you can go to greater depths, in search of greater secrets. Sell them to finance the life you'll lead."

  "The life I'll lead?"

  "Finding out what happened to the elves and dwarves, of course!" Moon had declared with sudden passion. He'd squinted at her, a smile playing on his lips. "That is what you want to do, isn't it?"

  "All I ever wanted," she'd breathed.

  "Hah! Barkeep, two more drinks," he'd shouted, then, thumping the table in glee before turning to her. "Then join me, Kali Hooper. There's a whole world out there, and it isn't ours."

  There's a whole world out there, and it isn't ours, Kali thought. The old man had spoken those words five years earlier, and in that time Merrit Moon and Kali had shared adventures and expeditions, the old man teaching her tricks and techniques that had proved invaluable since — but also in that he'd become less physically capable and had eventually begun to act as advisor rather than active participant in their finds. And then, there had come a time when he had retired from the field altogether. He could not shed himself of his interest in the subject, of course, and on moving to Gargas had opened a shop whose income allowed him to maintain that interest, particularly when it came to acting as a sounding board for her more intriguing discoveries.

  The smallest population centre in Pontaine, Gargas was a market town that sat alone amidst the eastern plains' northern farmlands. Merrit had chosen it as his home because, unlike Andon or Miramas or Volonne, it enjoyed a tolerably low level of interference from Pontaine's governing bodies and, latterly, from what he considered to be the scourge that was the Final Faith. For a large portion of the year its wide cobbled streets were empty, its inhabitants dots in a desolate community, but twice a year, when the harvests came in, it was transformed into a bustling centre of trade and commerce as farmers and merchants distributed their produce from all over Pontaine and beyond. Then, the city's population more than tripled in size, its streets thronged not only with legitimate salesmen but wheelers and dealers of every kind, the shops that lined them enjoying a week or so of frenetic prosperity that sustained them throughout the rest of the year.

  It happened to be market time now, and as Horse trotted in through Gargas's southern gate Kali was almost overwhelmed by the riot of colour, noise and smell that greeted her. Garlanded and festooned stalls crowded every open space, their equally colourful owners selling cloths and spices, ales and trinkets, meats and fruits, and everything in between. Kali dismounted Horse and led him by his reins through the bustling throng, dodging hawkers who regaled her with tales of products that would change her life and worgles that rolled hopefully along the ground in search of scraps, and avoiding by as much of a margin she could the foul breath of traders' mools, the black and white patched ruminants they used to ferry their goods. More than once she had to swerve swiftly off course, hurrying along as Horse nosebagged a sausage or a pie from its seller's stall, the baskets they sat in and all. With all this going on, it took her a good half-hour to wind her way through to her destination but there, at last, it was.

  Merrit Moon's shop was hidden away down a side alley behind a flummox still run by brother and sister Hannah and Arthur Greenwood, and Kali winked to them as she passed. But though hidden, Wonders of the World was no less patronised for it — in fact, it was one of the most popular destinations for the punters filling Gargas's streets. The old man had certainly tapped a vein when he'd decided to market souvenirs of Twilight's more inaccessible areas, and it had become quite the thing in the cities to own a rock from the foothills of the Drakengrat Mountains or a walking stick carved from wood chopped on the edge of the Sardenne. It was all junk, of course, but it was profitable junk and it was genuine and it allowed Merrit to rid himself of some of the more useless items he had accumulated ove
r the years. Not that he didn't still collect — in fact he paid good bonuses to the would-be adventurers he employed to gather his sticks and stones if they ever returned with something more interesting.

  Few, of course, provided him with the kinds of finds she did. Spotting her as soon as the bell jangled above the door, Merrit tried to conceal his pleasure at seeing her by merely raising a finger to acknowledge her presence. Kali smiled — it was rare these days that her visits were for purely social reasons, and she could see the eagerness in his eyes to discover what she'd brought him this time. His interest in selling a throbsnake's shedded skin to some Vossian noble waned instantly, offering the man the supposed aphrodisiac at a significant discount just to get him out of the door. The rest, timewasters by the look of them, he shooed away with a Drakengrat death-rattle, flicking the sign on the door to 'closed' as soon as they had gone.

  "Hello, old man," Kali said. She moved to embrace him but Merrit, as always, scuttled away, pretending some nonexistent business. Again, Kali smiled. She'd get him one day.

  "You have the smell of the deep Sardenne about you," Moon said brusquely, sniffing the air in the room with distaste. "Have you been taking my faithful old friend somewhere less than healthy, young lady?"

  My faithful old friend, Kali thought. The old man was referring to Horse. Sometimes she wondered whether Moon cared more about Horse than he did her — knowing that, if not, it would be one hells of a close-run thing. For the fact was, when he had stopped adventuring, she had stepped not only into Moon's metaphorical shoes but into his metaphorical stirrups as well, Horse having been his companion before hers, and for a good deal longer. They had been through a lot together, those two, but, when it had come time for Merrit's retirement, it was clear Horse would not be happy wandering in circles in some field all day, and had actually twice run away, lurking on the edge of town staring dolefully into the distance, where such adventures — and perhaps some exotic variant of bacon stew — lay. So Moon had offered him to her. She'd had her reservations at first, because Horse had seen a lot of miles in his time. But then in a sudden moment of insight it had occurred to her that time was precisely the point. All of the places she wished to go had already waited so many hundreds of years, so what difference would an extra couple of days — okay, in some cases a week — in getting there on a slower steed actually make? And, as it turned out, it even gave her time to prepare, to think. It was an arrangement that kept everyone happy.

  Speaking of which, Moon was circling her, prodding and sniffing at the key she had bundled up on her back, eager to unwrap her latest find. Kali nodded to a trapdoor in the floor of the shop, indicating that what she had might be a little too important to reveal here. Even more intrigued now, Moon rubbed his hands together and lifted the trap.

  A ladder led down to a cellar and Merrit and Kali descended, the old man waving his hand over light cylinders to illuminate the subterranean room where he kept his — and her — more unusual finds.

  Kali stripped off her backpack and waited as eagerly as he had above as Moon unwrapped the key from the oiled cloth in which she'd wrapped it. She had lost count of the number of times she had brought artefacts here for him to examine, and had witnessed a gamut of reaction, ranging from vague disappointment to child-like excitement to awed reverence. But the way he reacted now she had not seen before, and it made her feel momentarily cold inside. The old man's face had darkened.

  "Gods of the Great Pits," Merrit Moon said, slowly. His voice was filled with dread and he actually backed away from the key slightly, staring at it from the greater distance as if he could not believe what lay before him. When he spoke again, which was not for a few moments, his voice came out almost as a whisper. "Kali, where did you find this?"

  Kali hesitated. Merrit? she wondered. What the hells is the matter? Is there a problem here?

  "Tell me!" he barked, suddenly and totally uncharacteristically.

  "All right, old man!" Kali shouted. She was surprised to feel her heart thudding. She had never seen him, never heard him like this. "In the Sardenne. A subterranean site called the Spiral of Kos."

  "How old?"


  "This Spiral of Kos, girl — how old was it?"

  Kali frowned, wondering where this was leading. "I don't know exactly, but from the architecture possibly Mid Age. The vegetation inside was of unknown genus, but I doubt that it was indigenous. I think it may even have been cultured. Oh, and by the way, it ate people."

  "Yes, yes, yes," Moon hissed, impatiently. He was nodding vigorously, as if the information he had asked for was causing him pain and he was trying to shake it out of his head. "Oh, gods of the Great Pits," he said again.

  "Merrit, what is it? What's wrong?"

  The old man stared her in the eyes and said: "Kali, this… artefact has to be returned where it came from — right away — right now!"

  "I don't understand."

  "Returned immediately, Kali."

  Kali could not hold his gaze. "Yes, well," she said, slowly. "That could prove to be a little difficult."

  Merrit Moon paused. "Oh, gods, tell me you didn't — "

  "I did."


  "Merrit, it wasn't my fault."

  The old man flung his hands up in the air. "For Kerberos' sake, child, when will you learn to curb this… this destructive streak of yours. 'Thanks for the advice but I can look after myself'," he muttered.

  Kali actually felt herself becoming annoyed with the old man. "I don't know, Merrit! Maybe when people or things stop trying to kill me." Her mind flashed back to the last time something like this had happened, and she felt a twinge of guilt remembering how in escaping the Temple of Rahoon she'd brought down its plinths like ninepins as she'd raced down the steps with the Rock of Ages rolling hot on her heels.

  But at least Moon had liked that artefact.

  The old man sighed. "Sorry. I'm sorry. Are you all right? What were you up against this time?"

  "I'm fine. And it was Final Faith. But not normal God Squad. More like some special — "

  "Final Faith?" Moon repeated, incredulous. He seemed more staggered by this revelation than by the appearance of the key itself. "It can't be," he said. "Tell me, Kali, did these people seem specifically interested in the key, or were they, do you think, there only by chance?"

  Kali shrugged. "I can't really imagine any scenario where anyone would find themselves in the heart of the Sardenne Forest by chance. No, from what Munch said I'd say they were specifically interested in the key."

  "Munch…" Moon said. He rewrapped the key in its shroud of oiled cloth and laid it carefully on the shelf behind him.

  "This… thing needs to disappear, Kali. I need you to understand that. To be hidden again, this time once and for all. And its resting place needs to be far from prying eyes, scheming brains and grasping hands." Moon sighed again. "Which is why, the first thing in the morning, it and I will be heading for the World's Ridge Mountains."

  Kali stared at him, speechless. It wasn't that he was taking the key from her, because in that decision she trusted him without question — it was just where he was talking about going.

  "I'll be taking the southern road," Moon continued, aware of her reaction and expecting fireworks any time soon. "But even so I expect to be gone for some weeks."

  "Then I'm coming with you."

  Moon shook his head. "No, Kali. The fewer people who know the key's location, the safer the peninsula will be in the future. And you cannot get fewer than one."

  "Are you saying you don't trust me? Tell me what the key is, Merrit!"

  "No. And you know that I trust you. It is other forces out there that I do not. If the Final Faith are indeed aware of what this key is and knew that you were privy to its whereabouts, then their pursuit of your knowledge of its location would be… zealous indeed."

  "But the World's Ridge Mountains — it's suicide, old man!"

  Moon grabbed her suddenly by the shoulders. "I
will be fine," he insisted, giving her a reassuring squeeze, "Fine."

  Kali told Moon about her vision, then, but the old man had no idea where it had come from, or what it meant, and she pursued it no further. Their business done, Moon prepared a hot supper of pot-roasted rufoon, redbread and dripping, which Kali devoured eagerly, sending the food on its way with a bottle of black wine that the old man swore was part of a batch he had found in an Old Race cellar years before, and which he reckoned was a still-palatable and particularly fine vintage. It was his theory that its owners had been saving the bottles for some celebration that ultimately had never come. Kali made the right appreciative noises, but the fact was the old man had never been very good on the booze front, and the reason it had remained in the Old Race cellar was more likely that it wasn't fit to be served to the rufoon they were eating — or perhaps was even what had killed it. She forced it down, though, trying her best to turn her grimaces into smiles, as Moon questioned her about what she was going to do next.

  "Ar dunnof, really," Kali shrugged, her mouth filled with redbread. She spat sizzling crumbs and waved the half-torn loaf in the air, forming little spirals that burned into her retina. "Back to the Flagons for a few dayf reft and then one of the loft canals, mayfee. Had a tip there'f an entranfe to be found somfwhere near Turnifia."

  "An entrance to one of the lost canals near Turnitia?" Moon repeated, intrigued. He stroked his chin. "Yes… yes, that would make a lot of sense."

  Kali dunked her redbread in the dripping and took another bite, nodding. "Mmmmf, I'fe fought so, toof."

  As they finished, the noises from the street outside diminished to the last clatters of carts leaving the market, a few scattered farewells and goodnights, and then to the kind of solid silence that could only descend on a remote and rural town such as this. Moon, of course, had an early start, and so wanting to retire, offered her a bed for the night, but Kali declined, ready for some fresh air after the heat from his fire and preferring, anyway, to travel by night. It was a preference that worried Moon — the isolated and winding country lanes that were the only way out of there had, because of their isolation, a reputation of being dangerous enough by day, let alone night — but Kali held to the logic that anyone who willingly travelled in the darkness would be perceived by whichever grabcoins lay in wait as probably too dangerous to be approached in the first place. So it was that she gathered together her things and stepped out onto the cobbles, slinging and securing her saddlebags onto a snoring and slightly startled Horse as she readied him for the journey. She stared at Moon as he stood watching in the doorway, lit by the warm glow from inside, and then over his shoulder to the door to the shop, and the hatch to the hidden reliquary that lay beyond. An image of the key, wrapped in its protective shroud in readiness for its journey, flashed into her mind.